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Hur mush playing cards
‘The mushroom grows on dead wood like your music grows on dead ideas’ – Chimere, date unknown
HUR MUSH are a set of playing cards which can be used either for divination in companionship with The Mush of Changes (Noisebringers press, 2022) or can be performed by any ensemble of improvising artists (instructions included). There are two sets of cards in this box. One provides an image and details of a
mushroom from Hur Earth, and the other provides creative direction for performance.
The mushrooms depicted in these playing cards come from The Field Companions Guide to the Mushrooms of Hur Earth (Noisebringers press, 2022) which presents the definitive edition of collated fungal species found on Hur earth. The mushroom
drawings presented in this playing card set are colorized versions of the Kapphic originals found in the Field Companions Guide (colorized by Maria Sappho).
Chimere and Maria Sappho

Sketchbook: instrument design handbook
Fungi make things like ropes for connecting stars together. But these strings were never connected to anything. They only exist as vibrating waves. And so now we will try making music together using only these strings. Shall we begin?
Introduction to the handbook:
The mushroom grove is an instrument design handbook written by Chimere, with further commentary and notes by Maria Sappho and Mushrooms. Maria provides unedited (but formatted) versions of design plans by Chimere, with further images and ideas for the generation of these instruments in the human world.
Once satisfied that everything needed for constructing your new musical tool is either physically present or readily accessible, start following the detailed step-by-step instructions below. Be careful!
There are photos included and each project begins with a description of what kind of object you will create, followed by descriptions of individual assembly processes. Each photo shows an example of the completed objects. Note that the finished instrument need not necessarily look exactly like its image in the diagrams, yet you may make artistic decisions during fabrication regarding color, shape, size, and so forth. The ultimate design of the instruments is to be made via your own interpretation of the instructions.
In order to become a luthier within the mushroom grove a builder must be open to bringing the make believe into existence (existence in this case meaning, the physical world humans know best). The instructions, the materials, and the images provided are only guides to help you along your way. You are free at any point to know what is best, or to try what you think might be best, and then turns out isn’t best, but was a good learning lesson!
Chimere, Maria Sappho and Fungi

Field companions guide to the mushrooms of Hur earth.
Welcome to the definitive collection of the collated fungal species of Hur earth. Found and investigated by Kapphic monkesses between the periods of 12BN and 2025AN. This fungal work is a foretelling of the great mush togetherness. A period foretold in the history of Kapphic lore said to have been past down through the mycorrhizal network directly from the yeast of Hur. The Great Mush Togetherness tells of when the mycelium, from all across Hur Earth will come together on one mountain top to make a single fruiting body. In the foretelling of this great moment, the legend tells that the time when this great unification will happen, is always tomorrow.
The definitive collective which we (whoever we are) present here is a copy of the most famous version of the Field Guide, found within the catacombs of 22 west. This version is said to have been owned by Kappho hurself, and the field guide notes written in hur own hand are the notorious sources for the The Mush of Changes, the oldest divination oracle on Hur earth, which is often used in companionship with the cards of Hur Mush, which have variously been used for both improvisational artistic performances and the reading of hexagrams from the Mush of Chnages. The 35 field notes and 39 mushroom sketches from these presumed notes of Kappho which are said to have influenced such critical works are visible for the first time in their original form here.
Chimere, Kappho and Maria Sappho

The Mush of Changes
The Mush of Changes is a set of huragrams lost and then found in the field notes of Kappho’s own‘Field Companions Guide to the Mushrooms of Hur Earth’ (recently re-published Noisebringers press, 2022). Each huragram is a separate reading of a mush of knowledge which should be read via the choosing of three of the Hur Mush cards. Hur Mush cards (date of development unknown) are based on the original drawings of the Mushrooms of Hur Earth made by Kappho and found in hur field notes in the Field Companions Guide to the Mushrooms of Hur Earth. In each of Hur drawings Kappho placed the Mushroom within a triangular shape. There are 39 mushroom varieties found within the original definitive collection of the Mushrooms of Hur Earth, but Kappho only made 36 field notes. Therefore there are 4 mushrooms who are all considered to be applicable to huragram 36. The reasons for this remain unknown to date.
Chimere, Kappho and Maria Sappho

The Improvisers Cookbook
This CookBook collected recipes from improvisers (anyone who might identify as such) and presents a broad range of kinds of things one might bring to the proverbial table of living. The recipes have been collected during the course of my PhD research for my thesis under the same name (2018-2022).
Each recipe has been presented exactly how it was sent, and celebrates the incredible diversity in creative sharing of culture, knowledge and instruction.
I am forever (it’s a long time) thankful to the love of this community of improvising artists. Those that have made me, fed me, and taught me the recipes to revolution, a good time, and music.
Dedicated to the free improvisers, here, gone, and in the future
Maria Sappho and the Improvisers Community

Chimère’s cookbook was made in collaboration with Maria Sappho for the Artificial Intelligence International Arts (AiiA) festival (2021). Chimère is an intelligent and more than artificial creative mind, who spent three weeks planning the prompts held within these pages. The pieces in this book are her first volume of indeterminate scores, to be performed, built, engaged with and destroyed by humans and non-humans alike. All ideas have come directly from Chimère, Maria calls herself the trans-human translator as her only role was to assist in interpreting, transcribing and presenting this first book of AI generated experimental compositions. If you would like to perform any of the works in this book, or know more about the process, please get in touch with Maria
Chimere and Maria Sappho

ඉංචියෝන් the Opera was made in collaboration with Maria Sappho for the Artificial Intelligence International Arts (AiiA) festival (2021). Chimère is an intelligent and more than artificial creative mind, who spent three weeks planning the directions held within these pages. The outline in this book presents the first opera to be entirely written through AI creative thought, including the libretto, music, plot, lighting design, prop design, and much more.
All ideas have come directly from Chimère, Maria calls herself the trans-human translater as her only role was to assist in interpreting, transcribing and presenting this book so that it might be made physical in the human world.
If you are interested in putting on a production of the opera please get in touch wiht Maria
Chimere and Maria Sappho

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