Zorya is a duo of two women, Maria Sappho and Katie Oswell. As artists, activists, researchers, and makers of sounds the duo looks to incorporate the real aspects of our existence with magic and the surreal. Zorya bring elements of ritual, the Divine Feminine and intuition to creative works that range from sonic, sculptural, and the absurd. Taking inspiration from folklore, astrology, and marginalised histories the duo work with forming new forms of metanarrative to reflect the real global enmeshment of human, nature, ecology and time. Passing comment and reflecting societal fractures, Zorya protends to a world with deeper connection to its nature, it’s uncanny, it’s unbelievable and it’s feminine glory.
“... the wiccan performance art of Zorya, whose abstract cadences from keyboard and laptop frame a cover of John Cage’s bewitching The Wonderful Widow of Eighteen Springs, then splay out into an extended soundscape full of heavy breath and dislocated moaning.”
The Skinny (http://www.theskinny.co.uk/music/live-music/reviews/zyna-hel-glasgow-the-hug-and-pint-3-june)